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Saya Pamit, Teman-Teman ^^
Life Is Easy, On Your Theory.
The Great Escape
This Week Was Hard, And I Wasn't As Though As You ...
For The First Time of My Life....
Super Duper Mega Giga Bete Sedunia.
I'mma such a busy mommy.
The Dentist
Have A Blast One!!
Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Jalur Mandiri


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It's really hot today, isn't it?
Written at Wednesday, March 18, 2009 | 0 opinions | back to top

Guys, I'm starting the hiatus time now.
Sorry but I must go. This is for my future *halah*

Good bye my lovers.
Good bye my friends.

See you all soon. I'll be back as soon as the exams end.


xoxo, Vany Naura :D

P.S. Don't forget to wish me luck! ahahaha :P

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Money Tree and FOB Trail
Written at Friday, March 13, 2009 | 3 opinions | back to top

Wah, Saya lagi rajin posting! Haha.

Again and again gue mau share sesuatu hal yang nggak penting.

Tapi sebetulnya, ini penting, kawan.

Jadi ceritanya, pas tadi lagi pelajaran BK, gue iseng-iseng daydream. Karena lagi ngomongin soal karir, gue langsung mikirin duit (oh yeah, gue tau. emang dasar cewek matre zz). Terus, abis itu, tiba-tiba gue kepikiran pohon duit.

Pengen deh gue punya pohon duit. Kan asik, kalo perlu duit buat beli apa-apa ato buat ngasih orang gampang, tinggal ambil aja trus kasihin. Kalo misalnya punya pohon duit juga, sedekah jadi lebih gampang. Secara pohonnya (kalo ada) bakal gue taro di halaman. Siapapun yang mau ambil silahkan aja, asal nggak sampe pohonnya jadi botak hohoho.

Nah, barusan gue googling gambar pohon uang. Dan akhirnya gue menemukan beberapa 'spesies' pohon uang yang bener-bener gue pengen.

Yahh.. ternyata pohon uang yang asli daunnya beneran daun *yaiyalah*. Tapi nggak ada duitnya.. *sigh*


Mari kita hentikan kegilaan yang telah saya buat, kawan-kawan. Mending kalian buka deh game ini.

Asyik dan beneran ngeselin abis. Gue udah main hampir sepuluh kali dan selalu mati ditengah jalan. Miris juga sih ngeliat personil FOB mati gara-gara gue hehe. Ayo main, siapa tau dapet tiket konser FOB :)

xoxo, Vany Naura :D

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Written at Thursday, March 12, 2009 | 4 opinions | back to top

Oke. Actually I had sooo many homeworks and I should study for promotion test at LIA and next tests. Nyeh.
But I'm not in the mood to study right now so yah, I wanna post some random things hehe.

I got these from my friend, Icha.

1.What are you listening to right now?
20 Dollar Nose Bleed - FOB

2.What song makes you sad?
Hurt - Christina Aguilera

3.What is the most annoying song in the world?
all mellow songs. except PATD's hehe

4. Your all time favorite band?
Panic At The Disco

5.Your newly discovered band is?
hmm... Forever The Sickest Kids.. ? :P

6.Best female voice?
Hayley Williams and Katy Perry. Also Katie White

7.Best male voice?
Spencer Smith, really. And Patrick Stump and Brendon Urie :D

8.Music type you find yourself listening to most?
alternative, poprock, kinds like that

9.What do you listen to, to hype you up?
PATD and FTSK hahaha. and recently, cobra starship

10.What do you listen to when you want to calm down?
my own songs :P honestly, hmm... random

11.Last gig/concert you went to?
GADIS friendship festival (wth?)

12.Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
PATD, FOB, FTSK, Cobra Starship, Sing It Loud

13.Most hated band?
Indonesia local bands

14.Song that makes you think?
all song I heard for the first time. I always think about it haha

15.Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
Panic At The Disco and NIDJI. haha

16.Coolest music video?
the carpal tunel of love - FOB

17.Music video with the most babe watch?
hmmm... idk

18.What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up?
hahaha anything could be

19.Can you play a musical instrument?
sorta.. hmm.. a bit!

20.Ever been in a mosh pit?

21. Are you in a band?

23.Ever dated a musician?
nope. and wanna hehe

24.Do you wish yourself that you were a musician?

just a wish..

25.Best chick band you know of?
the ting tings! haha

26. Last song that you heard on the radio/cd…etc…?
Gita Gutawa's song.. a cover from Chrisye song but I forget the title..

27.What do you think of Classical music?
yawwwnn... I'm sleepy but that's good for me hoho

28.What do you think of Country music?
"Allow me to exagerate the memory or twoo.." *singing*

29.What do you think of Death Metal?

30.Last BIG band that you saw live?
Efek Rumah Kaca and Tangga. haha

31.Are you a groupie?

32.Do you listen to music in foreign languages?

33.What famous musician would you like to fuck!?
next question, please?

34.Worst concert moment?
I've never been in a concert! huhuhu

35.Funny concert moment?

36.Sad concert moment?
next. please?

37.Best local act you can think of?
NIDJI absolutely haha. hmm.. Tangga, The Upstairs and Maliq..

38.If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
Guitar.. or Drums hoho

39.Do you listen to the radio?
yes, rarely

40.Do you watch music TV?

41.Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?

42.Have you met any famous musicians?

43. Are any of your friends/family/etc.musicians?
if I could say yes, I'd say yes, some of them.

44.Song that best describes your feelings right now?
Never Let This Go

45.Song that describes your life?
Pagi - Pure Saturday

46. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
yeah, some of

47.Does a musicians physical attractiveness play a role in the music that you listen to?

48.What famous musician do you want to marry?
Spencer Smith or Ryan Ross. And Gabe Saporta lol

49.Favourite movie sound track?
Kambing Jantan The Movie. (Sing: lihatlah bulan yang sama agar kita merasa dekat..)

50.What do your parents listen to?
Queen, The Beatles, The Doors, and some other old bands

51.What are you listening to right NOW?
Impacilla Carpisung - The Ting Tings

52.Do you wear band etc T-shirts?
no. hehe. but I have one

53.What do you think of people who do?
eh? maksudnya? hehe

54.What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to?

55.What song is stuck in your head right now?
we started nothing - the ting tings

56.Do you sing in the shower?
yepp, sometimes

57.If so, what? If not, why not?
some random songs. up to my mood haha

58.Would you rather marry a musician or be one yourself?
marry a musician hoho

58.How important is your partners taste in music to you?
not really important. sometimes it likes a thing I dont have to take care of

59.Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them?
maksudnya? :P

60.Do you cook to music?

61. Do you sing in the toilet?
YES. lol


Anyway, ada yang tau caranya bikin seseorang rajin belajar? Gue butuh tips buat ngebilangin DIA biar belajar, perbaikin nilainya dan nggak malu-maluin gue. Heuh -___-

xoxo, Vany Naura :D

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I'll be hiatus soon
Written at Wednesday, March 11, 2009 | 2 opinions | back to top

Ohai ohai, all! hehe

Well, what I wrote on the title is true. I'll be hiatus start from next week (about 15 of march 2009) because I should concentrate on my fucking-difficult-final-exams. Hohoho.

Anyway, banyak yang protes kalo blog gue aneh pas dibuka lewat hape. Mereka minta gue ganti layout dan nah, I've changed the layout for you all guys! Hehe. Sempet kesel juga sih pas lagi nyari-nyari layout. Abisnya nggak ada yang klop. Tapi akhirnya nemu yang ini setelah tadinya gue mau pake yang satunya lagi tapi nggak jadi (oke, kalimat ini emang nggak jelas banget. zz). Thank to Cemara yang tadi udah bantuin aku nyari layout baru hehe.

Talk about hiatus again.. Gue bakal pamit dulu kok sebelum pergi meninggalkan internet untuk sementara. Gue bakal bilang ke semuanya, untuk tidak kangen sama gue. Tenang saja kawan, Vany cuma pergi sebulan kok haha. Doain saya lulus trus bisa masuk SMA 81 Jakarta yaa.. amiin :)

Oh iya, gue bakal ganti layout lagi jadi kayak gini atau kayak gini kalo gue udah 'vakum sementara'.


Nah udah yaa. Saya harus belajar hoho. Dadah dulu.
Ditunggu loh salam goodbye dari semuanya! Hihihi :D

-xoxo, Vany Naura :D-

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Lastest Events
Written at Saturday, March 07, 2009 | 0 opinions | back to top

Maaf baru ngepost!
Kemaren gue sibuk banget, capek pula. Jadi baru bisa ngepost sekarang hehehe.
Biar nggak double post, gue campurin jadi satu aja deh ya? Lagian dua-duanya juga event yang lumayan 'wah'. hohoho

Well, anyway..

First, mau review soal premiere kemaren. Sekalian soal film nya.


Acaranya mulai sekitar jam 8-an. Ditandai dengan XXI yang penuh dengan orang mengantri buat ngambil tiket. Gue pergi kesana bareng bokap (yang dengan mudahnya dapet tikat gratisan juga. Heuh). Disana gue ketemu banyak orang. Ada Cemara, Monic, Nael, Bena dan Dhee. Ada juga Dio, RiriRiza, Desta, Mira Lesmana, Richard, and of course, the casts and crews.
Well, the casts and crews are..

Penulis skenario : Salman Aristo, Mouly Surya, Raditya Dika
Sutradara : Rudi Soedjarwo
Penata Kamera : Rei Supriadi
Penata Artistik : Allan Sebastian
Produser : Tyas A. Moein
Co Produser : Irwan R. Sabar, Ade Djajamihardja

Raditya Dita as Raditya Dika
Edric Tjandra as Haryanto
Nerfiza Novianti as Kebo
Sarah Savitri as Ine
Meity Josefina as Dika's mom
Judith, Ingga and Anggi Nasution as Dika's younger sisters
Edgar Nasution as Dika's youngest brother

Anyhoo, film nya keren. Walaupun setting tempatnya sebetulnya itu-itu aja, tapi nggak terkesan kalau mereka hanya melakukan hal yang itu-itu aja. Komedinya juga kerasa banget. Infact gue nggak bisa nggak ketawa ngeliat mukanya radith. Hehe.
Akting para pemainnya juga bagus. Natural banget *tsaah*. Pemain-pemain pemula kayak The Nasutions (I mean, Radith dan adek-adeknya hehe) juga bagus, walaupun agak kaku gitu.
Tapi yang paling gue suka jelas Harianto (Edric). Keren abis. You must watch the film to agree it. Hahaha.

Well anyway, kalo disuruh milih lokasi mana yang paling gue suka, yaa.. kamar khayalan tempat Dika ngobrol lewat telpon sama yang ada di ujung telpon sana (halah), dan kamarnya Radith. Keren banget kamarnya. Gue juga pengen punya kamar pewe kayak gitu. Huhu.

Sementara kalo disuruh milih adegan kesukaan.. hmm, adegan taksi udah biasa kali ya? Adegan di kamar khayalan juga.. (Duh, spoiler banget nih gue! Haha). Well, favorite gue adalah pas Harianto ngasih tau bahan presentasinya. Tentang robot yang bisa mensubtitusikan pacar asli kita. Bahahaha. Pinter tapi konyol abis. Adegan dika sama nyokapnya juga berhasil bikin gue menitikkan air mata (serius!). Gue nggak menjadikan bagian favorit sih, tapi gue berandai-andai nyokap gue bisa kayak gitu.. Hmm..

Yang pasti, I would like to congratulate all people who already made that film to be a very good one. And I wish, semoga aja ada film kayak begitu lagi. Kalo diliat-liat jarang banget loh ada film macem Kambing Jantan ini di Indonesia (sotoy ngga gue? hehe).

Oke, back to the premiere, pokoknya gue keluar dari theatre 1 jam setengah 12. PIM udah tutup. Gelap dan sepi seperti tanpa penghuni. Gue langsung pisah sama yang lainnya, bareng bokap gue berdua turun ke basement pake lift. Kita lupa kalo loft yang dipake pas dateng dan pas pulang itu beda, jadi nyari-nyari dulu tempat mobilnya di parkir. Untung ketemu. Kalo nggak, gue nggak siap mati ketakutan di basement PIM. Terlalu mengenaskan.

Besoknya, temen-temen gue pada ngiri gue bisa dateng ke premiere. Mereka pada nuntut minta dibagi isi goodie yang kemaren gue dapet. Enak ajaaa! Nggak boleh! Hahahaha.
"Nar curang. Pita nggak diajak ke premiere."
"Itu juga kan Nar dapet abis ikut lomba. Makanya punya blog dong!"
"Nggak mau tau. Pokoknya Pita mau isi goodie bag nya. Ato nggak tanda tangan yang Nar dapet kemaren, harus asli!"

Hari Jumat kemaren ada acara di sekolah gue. Peresmian kantin kejujuran gitu. Gue dan anak-anak saman disuruh tampil. Well, we're very excited about that, especially those 7th grade girls. Mereka semangat gara-gara pembimbing tatra sekolah gue bilang kalo bakal ada Gubernur dan banyak wartawan yang ngeliput.

Nggak taunya, nggak ada gubernur. Wartawan tv cuma metro tv doang. And no one interviewed them. Haha, poor girls.

Gue nggak mau cerita banyak soal ini. Abis, ternyata nggak asik banget. Apalagi Kajatinya ngeselin. Seenaknya dia ngeganti nama sekolah gue dari SMP 80 jadi SMP 8. Ada gitu, SMP 8? Hah.

"Eh, tadi pagi pas saman, selendang kamu copot yah? Aku liat loh.."
"Kok kamu tau sih? Ngeselin ah. Hahaha"
Udahan dulu ya. Gue mau les dulu. Daaah
met liburan, anyway :)

-xoxo, Vany Naura :D-

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This happened a while before the movie plays..
Written at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 | 2 opinions | back to top

"Duduk disini aja. Nggak apa-apa kok. Masih ada yang kosong satu" (nunjukin kursi yang kosong)
"Oh nggak usah, nggak usah. Makasih ya.."
"Iya sama-sama" (muka polos)
(gue nyengir)

It was really embarassed. All people laughed at me. But, what's wrong with it? Kan kalo misalnya ada orang bilang 'makasih', kita harus bilang 'sama-sama'.. Hehehe

Next review, I'll post it soon. Ngantuk banget gara-gara tadi malem cuma tidur empat jam. Hehe.

Off topic: Ini posting ke seratus looh.. hehehe

-xoxo, Vany Naura :D-

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